Awards for Skatt's Expertise
We take pride in having our technical capabilities recognized by the most prestigious international publications in the tax and legal fields.
International Tax Review
Recognizes Skatt in the following categories
World Tax recognizes Skatt and 5 of our Partners.
World Transfer Pricing recognizes Skatt and 3 of our Partners.
ITR conducts a thorough evaluation of the world's leading accounting firms, based on meticulous research and client feedback.
Recognizes and Highlights Skattat the Jurisdictional Level
Recognizes our 3 Female Partners on their Shortlist, highlighting them among the best in Latin America in Tax, Legal, and Transfer Pricing.
Leaders League recognizes
a Skatt
Recognizes 7 of our Partners as Excellent Professionals.
The Leaders League ranking is built through exhaustive research that considers data provided by sector companies, client opinions, and evaluations from peers and industry experts. During this process, the jury assesses the nature, complexity, size, innovation, and quality of services provided by professionals in various areas.
These recognitions reflect
our ongoing commitment to quality and excellence.
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